Must Haves

Hello loves,

I hope your day is going well! As I write this, “A” is napping and “Lou” is playing sweetly with her dolls while I sip on my not-so-hot coffee. I wanted to share with you my top 6, everyday, can not live with out, items.

  1. Two words! Dry. Shampoo. I am not gonna lie, I am obsessed! Now that I am a mom of two, it’s so much harder to keep my hair looking fresh. This stuff is like magic! If you don’t believe in magic, you will after using dry shampoo.

2. Mascara! It always puts a little sass in my step! there are days I leave the house in a rush forgetting to put it on and I feel naked. I’ve tried so many brands, over the years, and this has definitely been my favorite! There’s also a drug store brand that comes in a close second (I’ll add the link below). 

3. Deodorant! It’s so important to me that I take care of my skin and for me that means trying my best to use all natural products that aren’t harmful. I’ve tried so many natural deodorants and they’ve all broken out my skin. This has been the first one that I love! It’s definitely something I can’t live without!

4. Some may think it’s crazy, but I don’t go anywhere with out my Thieves spray! I use it on EVERYTHING & everyone! Being able to make my own is so convenient. It’s an amazing, non-toxic, all purpose sanitizer. It’s also something I know is totally safe to use on my littles.

5. Don’t get me wrong, I love to workout!… But, thats not why I buy cute workout clothes. ha! No, I buy cute workout clothes because I basically live in them! I am always looking for ways to stay comfy. Especially being a mom of two. This brand of yoga leggings have been my favorite, so far. They last forever! 

 6. MY OILS!!! I don’t know how to live with out them! they have changed my life in so many ways! My go to is definitely Lavender, but I never leave my house without at least 5 oils in my bag. I’ve been using Lavender and Frankincense on my face as my nightly skin routine! It’s been doing wonders! I can’t wait to share more on this later!

Do you have everyday “must haves?”