happy monday!

i am learning to love mondays (its not easy) because i am really trying to get into a better routine with my little loves and getting up before them, on mondays, has been a real struggle. its like i know in my mind my day will go so much smoother if i do, but its been SO hard. i am trying to do more self love by taking care of not only me mentally but physically as well. i always try to eat healthy, organic, and clean. if i am going to look at everything i am putting in my body, then i probably should be looking at what i am putting on it. if you have met me, you know i love natural products. i am in the process of switching and ditching all of my skin care to natural, plant-based products. when my sisters started using essential oils i was like um ok weirdos… but then, i was gifted my first young living starter kit and i fell in love. like i used those bad boys till they were dry. there have been quite a few that have helped me get through those monday blues. there are so many ways to use oils. topically, internally, and aroma therapy (diffuse). using them everyday is when you see the real benefits they have to offer. it’s amazing how plants can help heal our bodies. i love my oils and could go on and on about all of them but these are just a few i use daily and when we diffuse them, we feel like new.

  • Lavender – calming/soothing
  • Stress Away – vacation in a bottle/relaxing
  • Lemon – natural disinfectant/great for allergies
  • Valor – emotional support/chiropractor in a bottle
  • Peppermint – energizing/head tension relief

i would love to know what you do to help your monday better or what oils you use!